Free Sleep Consult

Sleep Strategy Session

Fall asleep. Stay asleep. Wake up refreshed.

Welcome to your best next step
to your most restful sleep.

This is for you if you:

  • Have a specific sleep-related challenge or question (“Why do I keep waking up at 3 am?”)

  • Feel fairly satisfied with your sleep, but over the past few months have noticed a decline and you’re not sure why (“Why am I still tired even after 8 hours of sleep when I used to feel refreshed?”)

  • Describe your sleep as “just ok” and want suggestions on how to optimize it (“My Oura ring scores have been much lower lately, and I’m not sure why.”)

If you answered YES to any of these then you are a great fit for a Sleep Strategy Session.

"Thanks to Morgan’s coaching, I feel so much less STRESS about my sleep challenges and in more CONTROL of my ability to have a great night’s sleep."

- Kesa, age 50

Together, we can tackle your most pressing sleep issue so I can help you get one step closer to sleeping well.

This isn’t about perfection, it’s about uncovering your sleep sweet spot.

Book your Sleep Strategy Session Here!

What to expect:

  • We’ll spend one hour via Zoom (or phone) addressing your sleep.
  • Within 24 hours, I’ll send you a detailed summary of our discussion and a roadmap for you to follow so you can start sleeping better asap.

"I feel like I can fall asleep whenever I want to now after working with Morgan. Seriously, my data consistently says less than 15 minutes to fall asleep."

- Lynn, age 53


I’m ready for my Sleep Strategy Session!

Hey, I’m Morgan Adams: Your sleep soulmate and women’s health warrior.

Flashback to a personal crisis in my mid-thirties:

Most nights, I would spend up to two hours in bed, watching the clock and hoping sleep would come. After a couple of months of suffering, I decided taking a prescription pill was the only solution for my insomnia. 

 I spent most of my mornings foggy-headed because of the residual medication that hadn’t yet cleared my body.

And to add insult to injury, the “sleep” that I was getting because of the pills didn’t even feel like real sleep. It felt shallow and unsatisfying. And don’t even get me started on the next day's side effects!

For 8 years, I was stuck in this cycle.

Once I decided to give up the pills, I discovered that I hadn’t lost my ability to sleep. Instead, I’d lost CONFIDENCE in my ability to sleep.

If only I’d been introduced to the powerful cognitive and behavioral coaching techniques that I use now with my clients, I could have broken the insomnia cycle much earlier.

What I know about you is that you value your health and well-being and understand that quality sleep is essential for both to flourish.

I also know you’d prefer to get quality sleep WITHOUT having to rely on a prescription or over-the-counter solution to get there.

Morgan Adams Female Sleep Coach