Free Sleep Consult

Transform Your Sleep & Reclaim Your Energy

Work with a trusted guide to get better quality sleep

I'm Ready to Sleep Better!

Transform Your Sleep & Reclaim Your Energy

Work with a trusted guide to get better quality sleep

I'm Ready to Sleep Better!

Here are common scenarios faced by many of the women I work with.

Do you relate with any?

  • It takes me over 30 minutes to fall asleep a few times a week.
  • Several nights a week, I have middle-of-the night wake-ups and struggle to fall back asleep.
  • I have anxiety or racing thoughts at night.
  • I wake up much earlier in the morning than I want to.
  • I’ve tried all the trendy sleep “hacks” and nothing’s working.
  • I’m close to hitting burnout (or already have).
  • I’m worried about the potential health outcomes of prescription or over-the-counter sleep aids and want to stop using them.
  • I'm concerned my health is at risk due to poor sleep.
  • I’ve lost confidence in my ability to sleep.
I'm Ready to Sleep Better Now!

I created my signature program, “My Sleep Makeover”, for women like you.

We work together 1:1 as I guide you through techniques and strategies that are science-backed and “road tested” by me and former clients who are dealing with sleep challenges similar to yours.

As a former “challenged sleeper” whose mood, energy, and health significantly improved once I fixed my sleep, I want the same for you too.

My mission is to lead you to the land of better sleep efficiently and effectively.

Morgan Adams Female Sleep Coach

Here’s how “My Sleep Makeover” works:

During our first session, I put on my “sleep detective” hat and dive deep with a health history and comprehensive sleep assessment.

By the end of our first session, I should have a clear picture of your current sleep landscape.

Together, we'll set some sleep-related goals for you.

If you get stuck or have questions between sessions, I’ve got you! You’ll have ongoing access to me through a messaging platform where you’ll get a reply back from me within 24 hours.

At the end of our time working together (8 coaching sessions plus unlimited support between sessions), you’ll be able to:

  • Create your own sleep sanctuary
  • Eat and move your body to optimize your sleep
  • Uncover the “sleep stealers” that are keeping you from getting restful sleep and how to eliminate them
  • Build morning and evening routines based on your own chronotype that will set you up for quality sleep
  • Optimize your circadian rhythm for better sleep and vibrant health
  • Use mindfulness techniques to  manage daytime and nighttime stress and anxiety that hinders your sleep
  • Reframe and transform your negative sleep thoughts and behaviors 

And you’ll:

  • Fall asleep faster
  • Wake up less often
  • Spend more time asleep
  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Have more energy and productivity
  • Have a more positive outlook on life

When your sleep is better, EVERYTHING is better!

And, of course, you’ll have me as your accountability partner, coach, and confidant along the way.

When your sleep is better, EVERYTHING is better.

Are you ready to get started on your journey to better sleep?

Here’s what to do next…

Step 1

Click “Enroll Now“ below to submit your payment.

Step 2

You’ll receive a client agreement from me within 1 business day.

Step 3

Once your agreement has been signed, I’ll be back in touch to schedule your first session.

Have questions? Email me at [email protected]

What clients are saying...


"I began my sleep coaching sessions with Morgan 12 weeks ago and I am amazed at my progress. I was averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep a night and feeling quite depleted when I enlisted her help. I am now getting about 7-8 hours of QUALITY sleep each night and the difference in my daily functioning is amazing. I am more alert, less moody or easily flustered and am able to consistently think on my feet. I feel unstoppable! Her encouragement and support were were amazing and when coupled with to her vast resources, knowledge, enthusiasm and professionalism, I found that a once overwhelming health concern was more than manageable. She not only helped me understand why sleep was so important to my health and well-being, she helped me actually achieve success in this and subsequent areas of my daily life. I am forever grateful for her help on my wellness journey." - Mary A., age 48


"My biggest sleep challenge was an inconsistent routine around bedtime. Morgan taught me a better sleep routine that not only worked for me and for my husband too. With Morgan’s coaching, I felt empowered and developed fabulous strategies to address my sleep issues. Morgan’s knowledge of sleep really shined." - Laurie R., age 59


"I hired Morgan as my sleep coach because I had struggled with sleep for a long time. I wanted to achieve more confidence in my ability to get good sleep and worry and stress about sleep less. I achieve ALL THOSE THINGS and now have the BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE!"  - Shelly, age 34


After working with Morgan, I’m able to sleep without meds and feel more in control of my sleep. I also feel less panicked when I do have a restless night - Taylor T., age 37

My Sleep Makeover Coaching


  • Customized to your unique life and needs
  • Eight LIVE 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom
  • Ongoing and unlimited support from me between sessions via a messaging platform
Enroll Now

Have questions? 

Schedule a Sleep Clarity Call with me!

We'll chat more about your sleep challenges and determine if my coaching program is a fit for you.

Book Your Sleep Clarity Call